, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Last Week


10 September 2012

Last Week

Last week was full. I'm ready for a vacation. But unfortunately no vacation is forthcoming. Luckily I like most of what I do.

I've been working on the church website. I've about conquered it. I never grew up with computers, being totally old school (aka from the dark ages) so everything is pretty much self-taught. It takes time to research and learn how to do different things. Sometimes I know in my head what I want to do, but don't even know what to call it to look it up.

My passion for music is growing by leaps and bounds after so long an absence. The Praise Team and choir, while both are important to me so much, are competing for my attention and I wish there was a way for both to have rehearsals each week. I think skipping every other week is going to prove fatal to real growth and lead to complacency. But the church year is still new so we'll see how  things play out.

In addition to all the church lady stuff we had to stop all our momentum while Danny took time to have his colonoscopy, but now he's good for another 5 years so that's off the to-do list for a while.

We took Abby to another vet this week too. It seemed that all the other vets at the old group just wanted to say "let's try this." Meanwhile my little fur child was plagued with itching that we strongly believe was related to the Confortis we switched her to for fleas when the old stuff quit suddenly. The new vet gave her an antibiotic shot and pills for later. She was improving the next day. So now we have a new vet we can rely on.

This coming week a new Bible Study starts on Wednesday mornings for 7 weeks. I really enjoyed the last one. This one is on Jennifer Rothschild's Missing Pieces. Maybe it will help me to 'get myself together.' I'm excited to get started on it. It's open to anyone if you'd like to come! Just sayin'.