, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Later, Maybe


21 September 2012

Later, Maybe

This is what I want.
What can I say? I have lots of yarn awaiting my attention. I have green camo yarn, leftover red sparkly yarn from my last hat, the new spool of cotton, a whole bookcase full of skeins of yarn that will probably last me a lifetime (at the rate I'm going).

I am NOT in the mood! Where is the cooler weather? A brisk wind and trembling leaves waiting their turn to hit the ground? I'm only getting hints of what's to come. There are leaves starting to turn, clinging for dear life to their tiny twig security. But the hummingbirds are still here and the grass is still growing. I'm still poking my fat little legs into shorts because it's TOO hot!

I can't even have any hot chocolate yet. To do so in hot weather would make the blessing of having it on a chilly day insignificant, mundane even. No, I refuse to tamper with that lovely long-awaited moment when I can curl up in an over-stuffed chair, sipping my hot choc and crocheting until I'm cross-eyed.

It will come and then I'll probably wish it were hot weather again.