I love music, I always have. Church music has been part of my life since forever. How could you not like singing to God? He made it possible for you to even speak and sing, along with everything else in the world! I love thanking Him through song!
Last night I conducted the 2nd choir rehearsal of the new church year. There were 10 people there, including me. We were somewhat outside of our comfort zone because the Pastor had asked that we try to match his sermon theme on deliverance. So after a few last minute adjustments I found "He Is Able to Deliver Thee" in our hymn books. This is not a song that is sung a lot in our church, so we were rather unfamiliar with it. But I'm pleased to say that after a few minutes we were singing away in two part harmony with the men adding their underlying "He is able; He is able" to the chorus! I'm sure that by the time Sunday morning rolls around and those who were absent last night are with us again, we will be a force to be reckoned with.
It's always a thrill to see their reaction to harmony. Everybody likes harmony, but not everyone has had the experience before, of being part of a group that creates the moment as it happens. I have a few members singing outside of their usual sounds. I do think they are surprising themselves, finding that they are the ones making it real, making it lovely, making it a blessing to those who will hear their songs.
It's a growing process for me and the choir members. We're both still feeling our way as the first month of the church year rolls on. We're getting used to each other, to reading each other and hearing each other. We'll develop a team-like spirit as we learn to listen and blend and draw on our strengths as we shuffle our weaknesses behind us.
I love this little country choir. What they do not have in numbers or volume they make up for in spirit and heart! I think we're going to have a great year!