, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Time For a Rest


07 October 2012

Time For a Rest

This has been the busiest weekend I've had in a long time, starting Thursday when we (us, my youngest daughter, Lindsey, and my brother and his wife) took my parents out to dinner to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary (a wonderful time).

On Friday afternoon we had to leave over 1½ hours early to pick up daughter, Melissa, from the airport , getting stuck in tons of traffic coming home. But afterwards we headed over to Happy Hour for a couple of hours to see everyone and having a relaxing pot-luck meal (and drinky-poo).

On Saturday, while the guys hunted Melissa and I took Mom out shopping and lunch. Gotta love that shopping. We went until we could do no more, then came home to crash.

Today I started out at church at 8:30 for a Praise Team rehearsal (we always start the service), then I directed the choir on their first long piece of the new church year (which they nailed and were awesome). During the service our VA House Delegate presented a commendation to my parents for their milestone anniversary. After church our whole family went to lunch together and came back to our house for a slice of Danny's birthday coconut pie.

I spent the rest of this afternoon editing and uploading the church service recordings to their web site that I run. The only thing that didn't get done was that a singing group I am in was supposed to go to a neighboring church and sing at their anniversary celebration. But alas, we'd never gotten time to rehearse so I'd called to cancel before leaving for the airport on Friday. Good thing I guess, since it was after the time we'd been scheduled to sing before I even left my church.

Tomorrow is actually Danny's birthday as well as our 21st anniversary so I'm sure we'll do something in addition to heading back to the airport for Melissa's departure. After that I'll start working on this week's choir rehearsal again. as we have another special Sunday service coming next week and want to be ready. 

And so it goes... it was wonderful though...I wouldn't trade a thing! But I think it's time for a rest now. Enjoy your own week and all your blessings!