, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Good Christmas Cheer


27 December 2012

Good Christmas Cheer

Dad & Melissa
We had a fabulous Christmas despite the usual and expected dysfunctional chaos that most families endure when gathering for any length of time.
Mom in her favorite chair
Although the day was very tiring for them my folks were able to come here for our traditional Frankie's Ribs luncheon after we opened our gifts at their house during the morning hours. We were honored to have my brother's FIL dine with us too, for the first time, bringing our total to 11.

Rob & Melissa
I must say that having a son-in-law who is a caterer cannot be overlooked. Rob doesn't seem to have the ability to just simply relax, but is always such a dear help to us all. Everything looked wonderful and he and I and Melissa had a lot of fun with the challenge of moving the two large tables around the kitchen to find the best fit to meet everyone's needs.

Melissa & Rob left yesterday morning heading south into all those storms as they journeyed home. Special thanks to everyone who offered prayers for traveling mercies too!

Lindsey & Don retreated as soon as it was safe to do so. Christmas is not their "thing" since they both enjoy Halloween so much.

Lindsey & Don
It's always nice to have them here; I miss seeing my youngest so much - she was always into yard sales and you know that was a passion for me. But work keeps her busy as it does all my kids. (Better them than me, LoL)!

We tackled the tree the day after Christmas. Unfortunately Danny & I wore out before we finished so the thing is sitting in the living room floor in 3 pieces now. But the boxes are packed - yeah - and ready to head to the attic again!!

It was good this year, yes - it was very good, with great memories to be cherished for a long time to come!