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04 January 2022

Our Christmas

What an awesome Christmas we just had! It was, by far, the smallest family gathering in our history, with just 8 of us attending, but we had the most fun ever! Both of my daughters and their husbands came to stay at our house for a week. We haven't had both girls spend the night since they were  in high school!

We decided not to exchange presents this year. This idea had been discussed in the past and was rejected every time, probably because Mom was always just a present person...she loved tearing into her gifts and each year it was a game when we took turns tossing the old balled up wrapping paper into a large box in the center of all the action. I'm really glad we decided no gifts this year! There was no pressure or feeling that we 'had to do this, or had to do that' before December 25.  We were free from standing in lines, and spending tons of time and money buying items that weren't always exciting to the intended recipients. We were excited to just spend time with each other. Our theme was "Our presence is the present!" And so it was!

Here's a few highlights of our week (which may be in disorder as the days started running together):

The girls arrived on the Wednesday before Christmas. We called everyone together that evening and enjoyed a big pot of hamburger soup and sandwiches. Surely, this was home-style at it's finest! We gathered around the fire-pit that evening, staying out until it was just too cold. It was so fun and relaxing.

We did the crackers and cheese and grapes and wine thing almost continually all week, which was fine with us because we were all together. We threw in some M and M's and some dark-chocolate Kisses for fun! Those had to be replenished before the week was out, hello!?

On Friday we all went to the same Mexican restaurant that we  went to after Lindsey got married a year ago. Her husband's family also came and everyone had a great time. We left in time to get home before dark. Everyone separated for a while and I attended the Christmas Eve worship service at church that evening. When I got back we regrouped and watched "The Man Who Invented Christmas," which I'd never even heard of. It was a fantastic movie about Charles Dickens and how his life paralleled "A Christmas Carol." I can highly recommend this for your next Christmas movie night.

On Christmas Day we all went to my brother's house for a big brunch. Gosh! How many goodies can you eat for breakfast? I'm thinking a lot!

On Sunday we had everyone over again and polished off the hamburger soup and enjoyed Danny's Chicken Gnocchi soup.

One night was pajama movie night over at my brother's house. All the ladies had their cozies on and we watched "What a Wonderful Life" together.

One night the girls went to visit and have a Christmas meal with their dad's family while us four old-folks just rested up.

We just had to have a shooting event in our back yard on Monday. One of my son-in-laws is a reenactor and he had brought a musket to share with everyone. That was so much fun!

On Tuesday my oldest left to do half their journey back to FL. The next morning, the youngest left for GA.

But NO ONE left before they helped us take down our Christmas tree and decorations! That was a gift in itself!

Everything was perfect, except that Danny's dad had already made plans for his Christmas elsewhere. I don't know what we'll do next year, but this year was enough to tide me over for a while!