I had to update my BIOS. It was so easy too! I had been really scared because if you mess up your BIOS you end up with a "target" for shooting practice. In other words, it's messed up for good. I went from version 1 to version 6 in less than 2 minutes. I found this really cool site that scanned my computer and told me ALL the stuff that was out of date. I mean, even my modem (that I use for Faxing) has had software upgrades without me knowing or fixing it.

So far my EZ ThriftStore is doing really well. Maybe it's a fluke, but I feel like I'm selling more than I have in the past; at least those items are off my shelf now and I'm getting some room back. I've sold 6 items since opening my store July 5. Not a shabby start! I'm sure it would be different if I sold multiples of the same items, like being a vendor. But I sell one of a kind items so it's different and challenging. We'll see how long it lasts. In the meantime, I enjoy doing it.
Work is going ok. I still don't do much and I'm almost finished my book I'm reading...an old Rosemary Rogers "Sweet Savage Love." Set in Mexico during the war. No cars or phones, I love it.
Dan's back is better. He's finally taking it a little easier on himself. It's hard to let go doing like you've always done, but if you don't then you're the only one who will pay the price for being stubborn.
It's going to be hot, hot, hot today. Suppose to feel like 105° or more by this afternoon. I'll be home by then I hope and tucked into my little office making a CD of Mom's photo collection (in case her computer ever goes down).
Stay cool!