, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Already a Sale!


21 September 2008

Already a Sale!

Can you believe it? I joined Bonanzle on Monday and already I have had a sale! I'm so excited I just had to share with you all.

We just went to the garden to see what the tomato worms were doing. Talk about healing powers - check out this tomato that had apparently been eaten and then "healed" itself and finished growing. Although a very small 2" size, it definitely kept going! I know it's blurry, but it's hard to snap the photo with one hand and not shake. You can definitely see the edge of the inner tomato.

We took up all the hostas that we'd put by the deck on Friday evening. Today LaVerne, bless her, came and took them away to plant at her house. I even gave her the daylilies that were in the same bed. Now Danny and I want to get a few cold weather crops to put in. That will be a first for me. Maybe a collard or two, and some salad.

The little beagle, Sweetie, is really doing good on her training. We've been watching the "Dog Whisperer" on TV and trying some of his techniques. Yesterday while she was out we went over by the shop (she loves Danny - yeah, he feeds her) and she wanted to go into the place where he was. I made my little 'ach' noise and she didn't go in. She kept looking and looking; you could tell she really wanted to, but she DIDN'T! Not until Danny called her in and then she seemed confused, and knew she shouldn't go. I told Dan to squat down and then she was ok with it. She gave him kisses and presented her belly for some quality time scratching. I gotta get that girl some treats!

Well, it's a nice day and I need to let her out a while. Then we're going to pick up a prescription refill and get lupper (lunch/supper) around 5. I've talked Lindsey into meeting us at El Parian for some tex/mex. She doesn't drive around much, now that gas is so high. But I miss seeing her and it'll be quick, filling, and painless. I'm hoping Missy and Rob will be here for the next time, probably when we go out for Dan's October birthday.