, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Happy Autumn


23 September 2008

Happy Autumn

Autumn officially began this week. Today is only day 2 and already it is blowing a gale. I was cleaning up a few things in my greenhouse while ago. I've got some coleus I want to pot up soon. I had one last year that I actually kept in a glass of water all winter. I transplanted it to a small pot in the spring so it could get some "dirt" roots before I put it in the big deck planter. It did marvelously. And who knew, but I also had about 5 volunteer coleus plants to come up in the same planter. I thought that anything in that planter would have frozen totally to death during the winter, but I guess they did ok.

Anyway, I had my hoe and was scraping the small weeds that had come up in the dirt floor of my greenhouse when I made a discovery. I have not one, but 2 little tomato plants growing in the floor of my greenhouse. It will be interesting to see what they do over the winter! They are about 5 inches high now and a bit spindly, but I will be taking the shade cloth off in the next week or so to let the sun shine in and add warmth. I'll keep you posted.

After testing my 3 chosen web hosts this past week I've come to a conclusion. AXSpace will be my new host when my old one expires. The old one wanted $7/mo. These want $1/mo and they do everything the others did. There was another site that was very good as well, but the deciding factor was a message I had on my answering machine today. They had actually called to verify that I'd made a purchase ($10 for a domain name I bought from them through PayPal) in the last couple of days in case some one had stolen my credit info and used it. I thought that was pretty cool. Made me feel pretty safe.

We watched the end of last night's premiere Dancing with the Stars, just enough to see who everyone was. I'm sure the fat comedian will go first, Chloris Leachman will last a short while, and one of the slim and trim will win.

At our house we were watching the Military Channel about battleships. That was cool. I have learned so much about history since Danny & I married. I was terrible in school; they didn't spend much time on what I call modern day history...the school year was coming to a close and it was nothing to do all of WWII in 2 or 3 days. They spend way too much time teaching about the Renaissance and the kinds of England. Important but not relevant. I've enjoyed learning about the Battle of the Bulge and where the bulge was and way. I'd never really thought about there actually being a bulge. My interest has taken me to learn more about my uncle, Buck, Daddy's brother who was killed in WWII.

I recently discovered documents online that shared with all of us the fact that Buck and the others who died on the 2 planes that collided over Germany had actually been buried in a little church cemetery during the year the crews were missing. That has been a comfort to know, especially for Daddy, I'm sure. I'm glad I could help. I hope to be able to compile what I've found into a book of sorts for preservation and information. We'll see how it goes.

While preparing to change web hosts I have been online changing my email addresses associated with the soon-to-be former host. In doing so I changed the email at Google, therefore the Blogger account changed. You have probably reached this blog through the link on my CountryLane site.

Please change your favorites from to

Also I would direct your attention to the bottom of this page where I have loaded a jigsaw puzzle for your playing pleasure. Let me know how you like it, how it works. We've been in the puzzle mood lately; at work I go online and do them. You certainly won't lose any playing pieces!
Have fun ~ LJ