Some times it seems that way. I noticed the other day when I tried to take a picture at the bridge when the water was all gone that my photo came out all white. I figured it was because I was moving in the car with the windows up. Today I tried to take a picture while Danny was taking out the tomatoes from our garden. Again, all washed out; moments before I'd taken some pictures inside my little building and they were ok. Now I wonder what's going wrong. This just sucks. Dan says it's probably just the camera going "down." Whoever heard of such a thing.
Now I remember, I did drop it the other day as I was leaving for work. But of course, I thought everything was fine. It wasn't in the open position and my (indoor) photos were perfect as always. Why would I think anything wrong. But I guess I just have to take the blame. Maybe I'll get lucky and figure out a solution. I haven't gone online yet to do any research.
We're expecting Lindsey to show up soon. I've had a hankering for some of her nachos, she makes the best, and when I said something this morning to her, to my surprise, she said ok and seemed happy to come out. Yes, getting rid of a house guest who has overstayed their welcome can be a great energy booster!
Dan and I took the SUV over to Stanley's this morning. It's been so long waiting for Stanley to be available I can't remember exactly what's wrong with the truck. It runs funny, like the transmission is not doing right. When I first said something to Dan about my suspicion he took it to the transmission shop the same day for diagnostics and they said it was fine. I still go with my feeling...something's not right. Hopefully Stan, the Man will find out. FYI: When we got there he was working on Brett Meiggs' black SS.
As I said earlier the tomatoes are history. The scale and whiteflies were taking over, the weather was beating them down, and the worms were going for the gusto. Since they weren't doing too good and what little tomatoes were on there were either not going to ripen or remain small we pulled what we could and then yanked up the plants.
We also transplanted the braided hibiscus tree. It was too top heavy for the little pot and kept falling over. We bought some dirt today and made it happy.
The blackbird migration is in full swing. They come over 2 times a day, lighting in our little woods. This afternoon they came swooping in low over the deck. If I hadn't been behind the glass door they would have hit me. Thousands of them. I love it!
PS. My new web host choice has been made: AxSpace wins at only $1/month. In Dec. I'll switch from free to paid and move the rest of my files. I highly recommend to anyone looking.