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28 June 2017

Crochet, Then Eat, Then Crochet

I'm still adding on to my Speckled Pup afghan lap blanket. I'm glad I did; it's much better now at 27 inches. I think I should aim at least for 30 inches. It's funny though, that no matter what the size is it always feels good.

The BBC Crochet Club met at a member's home last night while the church was filled with Vacation Bible School kids. Two members were helping at church but the rest of us headed just across the line to NC for a working pizza party. It was really nice and everyone had a lot of fun! We read one of the many thank you cards we've received for the graduate blankets presented a few weeks ago. It's nice knowing we created something that will be enjoyed by others.

I'm making washcloths for mission donations now. Luckily they work up fast because I don't have much time to make a bunch.