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10 July 2017

Ready For a Baby Experiment

My little Speckled Pup blanket finally made it to  church last Sunday. Since it  was made from scrap yarn and basically full of knots I put it where I sit to use behind my back while still healing from surgery. For several weeks I'd move from piano bench to pew and realize I'd forgotten to grab a blanket to use from another pew, making for a more painful experience. My little blanket worked like a charm. (I actually heard quite a few compliments on it too)!

I already have enough yarn on my shelves to last quite a long while and keep telling myself "do not buy more" until I use what I have already. So what do I do? Again?

It's not my fault! It fairly jumps off the shelves into my shopping cart! I'd actually done pretty good lately, suppressing this yarn urge, but last week there it was -- a deal I could not pass by!

It was a big ol' 8.5 ounce skein of pink Bernat Baby Sport yarn for just 99¢! I looked on eBay and these are easily selling for $10-$12. But I'm going to try actually making a baby blanket out of it using one of the recent stitches I've been playing with. I have an experiment up my sleeve.