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20 October 2017

Things Takes Time

It's been too boring to post anything. I still sit and lay around a lot while healing continues at a snail's pace. This morning we went to Walmart for a quick stop. I usually stay in the car crocheting while Hubster goes in, but the feisty got to me. Sad to say,  I couldn't believe how much my back was hurting before I could get back in the car! It makes me so sad; here I think I'm doing so well and then reality comes crashing down when I try to do something normal. So frustrating!!!

I've kept busy taking care of my Cabana Threads store and working on church stuff. Since I try not to stay on the computer too much (like the 10-14 hours I used to do each day) I now crochet way thoroughout most afternoons. I've continued to make a ton of tiny baby hats for preemies, but I really like doing those. You can read about my crochet life @ The Creative Life of LadieAnn (named for an ancestor child who lived only a few days. But for a long-ago entry in an antique Bible no one would have ever known she existed).

I can report that a couple of weeks ago the whole family (minus only my Son-in-law) met for a grand evening at Outback where we toasted and dined to celebrate Hubster's 70th birthday. Can you believe it? He really looks just about the same as when we married! Speaking of which, it was also our 26th anniversary since he wanted to marry on his birthday to avoid having another date to remember. What a guy!

Only about 9 weeks left before Christmas. I used to get into it, but ever since the kids left it's been downhill ever since, especially as my health declined. We gave our antique Christmas tree to one of my daughters last year after Christmas so I knew things would be different this time. We'd even planned to get a cedar out of the woods. Now I wonder if it will be worth the effort. Since I can't stand up long enough to do much perhaps I should be putting that tree up soon. I got a feeling it's gonna take a while to put lights on this year.