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05 November 2017

Looking Forward

My recent follow-up with my back surgeon showed that my back is doing so well. Every time I go see him I'm always in a fantastic mood. For me, having the surgery was life-changing and I always want to thank him. I know he knows that he makes things happen for people, but I'm not sure if he really understands how his skills impact people on an every day, every moment basis. For this Thanksgiving I am most grateful to God for bringing this man into my life and for God's gracious healing!

Let's see... since my last post my church had a Fall Festival. It was pretty awesome, especially when you realize that it rained the entire day. That didn't stop much at all in the long run. Everything was moved indoors and folks, young and old, just plain had a ton of fun! I took my camera and took lots of photos (you can see on the church Facebook page). Because I'm still in wounded mode my participation was limited to creating fliers and posters and snagging pictures during the event.

Now we're looking forward to Thanksgiving. This year Hubster and I will host the T-Day dinner for the family. As luck would have it, my Florida kids will be here (so I think we'll have some pretty good helpers).

I'm most anxious for Christmas to roll around, not just because of all the church functions that I love, but because we're going to have a real cut from our woods Christmas tree. I wonder how soon we can bring one in the house? We've done this twice in the past: one time I used Miracle-Grow in the water and the tree lasted until August just sitting outside next to a storage building (the birds loved it). The last time we did this a ga-zillion itty-bitty spiders hatched and we had to vacuum all the presents as well as everything else near the tree.

I'm excited just because every new day is a new opportunity to 'get it right' and make someone happy; a new chance to improve, a new chance to know God better. Who can ask for more, right?