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07 April 2018

Really Crazy Weather

Here it is, after Easter, and we're wondering if we'll get any snowflakes this afternoon. Crazy huh? Danny did manage to get the lawn cut last week for the first time. It wasn't pretty since the grass was so high!

I have had moving the old foundation blocks out from the woods for several years now. Something always seemed to come up to prevent it happening.

But I'm happy to say they now have a new home around a flower bed. They used to be lined up in a lovely border by the woods but over time, the woods had just about eaten them. You can see below where they used to be. It was quite a struggle to rescue them. They weigh a ton and used to be under our old 1800's farmhouse. Color me crazy, but it makes me feel good to have saved them.

While I was taking pictures I saw this fresh young iris making an appearance. So despite the foreboding claims of impending snow (insignificant as it will be) there is still a hope that Spring will eventually catch up to the calendar.