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20 August 2018

How It's Been

Therapy is going well. It seems odd to have my husband laying on the next table as he has usually always been waiting when I go. This time he is having his shoulder worked on while I try to get my back issues settled. I guess for me things will never really be the same again in my lifetime. I do hope they can at least get a little better.

It's been rainy and hot, as usual, causing us to stay indoors as much as possible. I think I love that part of getting old - that I don't have to go out unless I want to and I don't have to get out of my cozy clothes unless I want to (or am expecting company). At least we have some new TV stuff to watch.

My goodness, it's a whole new world out there and here we were simply trying to get the boxes and phones to work properly (for months on end). We finally gave up. We 'cut the cord,' bought two TVs and hooked up with Roku and Hulu. Frustrations with the phones led to us moving over to ATT's wireless home phone and things haven't been this good in a long time!

That thing with the moon is still in operation (against or for us, I'm unsure). A difficult 'discussion' the other day made perfect sense once I remembered that it is getting time for the full moon again. And as usual, the next day everything was perfectly fine. I guess as long as the followup is good things can't be but so bad, right?

We are still downsizing in preparation for a yard sale that he is adamant will happen in September. I'm still skeptical but hopeful to be proven wrong. So I've been going through all the drawers and cubbyholes and letting go of a lot of things that I've spent my life saving for that illusive "some day" when I'll need this." I now know someday will never come and if it ever does I'll just have to go buy what I need. Needless to say, I am getting a lot done.

Church work has been keeping me very busy over the last couple of weeks. As church secretary I'm on several committees that meet at the end of each church year. It's been my job to keep track of schedules, volunteer lists as well as being a working member of each committee. This month we had several people join the BBC family so I've taken care of the accompanying paperwork there as well. I have put finishing updates to my report for the annual business meeting. Besides that I've had the usual bulletin creation, music planning and rehearsals. At least I don't get too nervous anymore and mistakes are sloughed off and not too much of a worry any more. Still, I love the work I do as my way of contribution to the life of a little country church. I'm looking forward to the new church year!

I'm looking forward to a real vacation soon too. Or so he says. I am actually starting to believe it will happen now! I do so want to visit my daughter in FL. The last time I went she lived in another place and her new house is not even new anymore. And since I can walk better without too much back pain I'm really looking forward to spending time with her on her own turf!

OMG! how could I leave without mentioning the wild turkey family that came through our yard? There were seven young ones with a larger mama and even larger father turkey who always brought up the rear, keeping guard the entire time! It was really awesome! And they even ran off my wild rabbits!

We also have had sightings of bear activity which I found out about through a Facebook posting. Someone actually saw the bear and mentioned it being near my house. Later my brother saw muddy tracks where it crossed the road, walking down the field right next to my ditch! Oh my! I want to see him, but kinda don't. He might be a little too close for comfort and my running gear just isn't what it used to be lol!