, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: Moving Past Christmas


10 January 2020

Moving Past Christmas

Christmas was expected to be a bummer. We all felt the pain that Mom wasn't there enjoying her favorite holiday. That was tough enough. But then Danny got sick right before the main week started and missed everything too. So instead of just one empty seat at the table there were two. He stayed in bed for 4 days; I mean sleeping all day (probably from the drugs) and not just tucked in while watching TV. He missed singing the choir musical on Sunday and the Christmas Eve service on Tuesday; he totally missed Christmas Day in its entirety. We usually go out on Christmas Eve too so that was a bust. No dinner out, no driving around to see Christmas lights, nothing.

So there were quite lonely days at our house during the Christmas season. But I am so grateful that he's still here (remember, I almost lost him to a heart attack a few years back). I can see there is much to appreciate even as I still walk the sad trail of grief over Mom's passing. I guess that touch of sadness never fully leaves. But once Danny gets better I hope we can start to live life to the fullest and take advantage of the lessons grief teaches us.

After Christmas and into the New Year was another story altogether. My Florida daughter and her husband visited for a week. My other daughter came out 4 days in a row. Along with my brother and his wife and Danny's dad we went out to eat several times including a dash down to the Weeping Radish Farm Brewery for some awesome German food and drinks (for all but me - I'm not much into drinking at all). We also ate at  Shiki, Sushi and Hibachi, my favorite for the best teriyaki salmon anywhere!

We visited Williamsburg one day to enjoy the sights and sounds and had lunch at another brewery (I must say, it was no comparison to the NC one, and we probably won't eat there again). Danny and I enjoyed down time while the others went to a tasting event.

Amid all the fun times we also, together experienced sad times as we began the task of going through Mom's closets. A lot of memories were shared with laughter amid the tears. It was heartwarming to me to see my daughters embrace each other as one or the other would have a sudden moment of overwhelming heartbreak. We all held each other through the toughest times. I'm sure Mom would have been proud to see how her loved ones truly became that 'there-for-you-no-matter-what' family she instilled in each of us.

Just as Mom did when Daddy left we will try to hold our beloved memories of both of them close to our hearts as the days pass. We will remember how both of them enriched the lives of those they met and strive to be our best selves each and every day, loving well and loving long.