, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: A Month Goes By


19 April 2020

A Month Goes By

Like the rest of the country we're staying in. It mostly seems like nothing has changed for us except we don't get to eat out anymore. We really miss our weekly visit to our favorite hibachi restaurant and were going to order takeout to support them but they totally closed. Other than that life is fairly normal country life. We have a very large yard and enjoy watching our dogs as well as the bluebirds carrying nest materials and occasional butterflies flitting about. Seagulls are following tractors in the fields as they begin another crop season. The Carolina Allspice is blooming so everything smells divine from my deck! We love eating there when it's warm, but lately it's been cold enough to frost! Life is pretty good actually.

I've gotten 99% of my office back together from when everything was removed for renovating the floors. My new used desk purchased before the virus came is great with its three large file drawers. I was able to eliminate my two old 4-drawer metal file cabinets. (Anyone need a file cabinet)? I've added my sound system to my office instead of back in the living room with a speaker in all four corners!

I'm nearly finished researching my Son-in-law's genealogy. Next I will start going back through my own lines to update with the many new resource materials that are now available online. I got a subscription to after procrastinating for years. I wish I'd done it sooner - it's fabulous!

We made our first ever online grocery order a few weeks ago. It took us three hours as newbies. Hubster wanted to browse everything. I finally got up for a break and when I came back the website showed we were not logged in anymore.

I crochet most afternoons with old black and white movies keeping me company. Currently I'm joining blocks made by Crochet Club members to make a lap afghan for some lucky nursing home resident. Members can't meet these days but after seeing a project photo in our Facebook group they suggested making more blocks to make the blanket bigger. So I made four more. The borders are in a very dark green.

Easter was historic at our church (and many across the country, I'm sure) as we had our first every drive-in worship service. Blackwater Baptist had 43 cars in attendance, with 2-3 worshipers in each. It turned out rather well, even with a few new and untried sound system snafus and the high winds almost stealing our music and the preacher's sermon! All in all, everything was lovely!

I've played the keyboard in all but one of the live video worship services. It seems so weird not to have a church full of people. There's usually only four or five of us there and we're all so far apart! But I enjoy hearing the messages presented and record them for the church's website when I can.

We don't know what tomorrow will bring. All we can do is pray for the safety of our health care providers and those who are helping so many people in so many ways. We can pray for our leaders to have wisdom. We can pray for each other and that those at home will have compassion on each other. We can pray for God's mercy. We can use this time to draw closer to Him and learn from these experiences. To every thing there is a season, right?