, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: The Joy of Birds


08 June 2020

The Joy of Birds

Life never so dull when you enjoy birds.  My latest joys are filled with them. I had a new feeding station installed just outside my office window and love, love, love seeing all the visitors. I was really surprised that it took no time at all for the feathered peeps to arrive!

We have seen a profusion of cardinals this year like never before. Watching them and the ever faithful bluebirds feed their babies is a real treat.

Our Great Crested Flycatcher has been another favorite visitor to both front and back yard stations.. The other day he tried to come into the house. We quickly closed the curtains so he wouldn't pursue his goal.

We've also had a crazy Bluejay drop in this year. I guess my cedar trees have matured enough to produce those lovely blue berries for them.

American Goldfinches, Carolina Wrens, the always pleasant Black-capped Chickadees and a variety of  lovely little sparrows in various forms fill in the neighborhood.

The wrens were so undecided when it came to building a nest. First the pot in the greenhouse, then the cactus plant. Then I saw them in to lower branches of a cedar tree. Since the male has taken to perching on the deck rail and singing so brilliantly I can only believe he was successful in raising a family.

A couple of mornings I've gotten up early enough to find a young but still rather large Red-tail Hawk perched on top of the bluebird box. It was kind of funny to see him swoop down like a tiny bird to snatch up a careless worm or bug from the grass.

Lately the hummingbirds have found my red feeder and each lays claim to it. What hard work they expend to defend their territory rather than share. Yesterday I was lucky enough to see two lady hummers doing just that! So sweet!

Most of my photos were blurry or shaky or something so they were tossed. But I have lovely memories and every day brings new cherished moments to indulge my bird passion. Ah... the joy!