, pub-4503055424083402, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MY COUNTRYLANE: This Too Is a Garden


12 August 2020

This Too Is a Garden

 Gardens can come in all shapes and sizes. We don't have much but we like it.

The pot of Basil on the left were all volunteers. We have more basil in the deck flower box that we purchased. Who knew we could have saved our money and just used the freebies?!

We never tried Okra before. Daddy always grew a long row of it (like you're supposed to do). We didn't have any rows, just pots to plug things into. Somehow it worked!

The Okra is so very pretty, kind of exotic in a way. Daddy's rows never looked so good! Hubster is using the okra in his favorite seafood Gumbo. I think that was the whole reason we bought the okra in the first place!

The tomatoes survived the hurricane, but still look a little droopy now. We just keep propping them up and hoping for the best. They are producing much better this year than they did last year in pots on the deck, but we've had some splits due to so much water. They still taste great on a salad or my favorite tomato sandwiches!