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02 October 2018

A Reading Summer

I did a lot of reading over the summer. Sometimes it's even better than in the winter! I love reading on the deck with the birds chirping for background music! I must say there is nothing like a good book to take you away, letting your imagination paint the image in your mind from the printed words of a good author.

I will always be a historic romance reader. I love tales from by-gone eras. I love no phones or computers or even cars in the stories I read. I've especially enjoyed the Julia Quinn books this go 'round. Characters and places have been tied together from book to book and it really helps me to remember things I'd read months ago. I'm usually one of those people who read, enjoy, finish and it's done - gone from memory, to move to the next and the next.

I hooked up with LibraryThing and really like it. I didn't want to do the GoodReads for all the bells and whistles I don't need. LT is so simple to use and is just a collection of my books so I don't re-purchase one I've read when I'm at the thrift store! Guess it's time for this set of books to head back for others to read and enjoy!